Diablo 3 Fact Sheet is a collection of new stuff found at Diablo 3 GamesCom 2009.
ClassesStill only Barbarian, WitchDoctor and Wizard is available for play at GamesCom 2009 Diablo 3 Demo.
New Diablo III information discovered under GamesCom 2009.
WeatherStunning weather effects such as rain, dust wind give an amazing atmosphere to Diablo 3 gameplay.
Kill-ComboIs a very cool Diablo 3 feature, if you kill a serial of monsters you get kill-combo bonus XP. Its graphic displayed right-bottom of the screen and give you a feeling of totally ownage.
TrapsThere is all kind of traps similar to Diablo 2, when you open chests, levers and shelves. Different effects can hit you with freeze or damage.
ShrinesShrines are back similar to Diablo 2, 3 types of shrines was found.
Multiplayer DemoUnder the Diablo 3 GamesCom demo you could play up to two people in the game, the game should support up to 4 players currently. (from known info)
LocationsNew location at deserts of Lut Gholein where you go deep into Sundered Pass, and into Catacombs dungeon. An area also discovered called Asheara which is from D2 act 3, and the town of Alcarnus is available.
Monster / AIAll monsters seem to have unique behaviors and AI, so they act differently and have it own sets of abilities.
The monsters list including of:
Dune Thresher,Dune Dervish, Spirits, Frozen Mage, Lacuni Huntress, Enraged Sand Wasps, Skeleton Warriors, Tomb Viper and Warrior Lacuni.
Magic EffectsAbsolutely stunning, this give a whole new experience to the game, when you make “Ground Stomp” the earth crack and screen the shakes. Also buildings is interactive, so you can destroy walls and interact with the game.
Luck StatsWhat it means is yet to find out, its probaply a replacement of Diablo 2 Magic Find skill.
StatsThe main attributes:
- Strength (physical attack power)
- Agility (dodge, critical hit chance),
- Vitality (energy of life and regeneration)
- Spirit (spell damage and, mana)
Also there is DPS, Defense and Resistance stats info like in Diablo 2.
GameplayGameplay is extremely fast & organic, you can run and slide away from spells and abilities, you have to be fast & strategic. Strategy is absolutely the key to survive and how you want to approach monsters.
You can hotkey up to 5 skills/abilities which you can use on your keyboard (1-5)
Lots of health orbs was dropping that helped you keeping alive.
User Interface (UI)The UI is very nice and smooth, you can setup, sound volume, graphic interface such as resolution etc and keyboard option where you can setup hotkey for skills, open paperdoll, skill trees etc. Also the UI very easy to use and somehow a mixture of Diablo 2 and WoW that is tweaked with nice tooltips and usability.
GraphicsThe graphic is very amazing, there is alot of effects and details from corpse decay, monster effects, spell effects and ground effects. (Watch Gameplay Videoes) Beside that the game runs very smoothly.
QuestsYou get different kind of quests from NPC’s such as killing quests, find a person etc, which is similar to WoW Quest system. Moreover it include speech system, where can play, pause and stop the speech. There is also a tooltip on currently quest objectives your doing.
Example of Husam Quest:The demo offered a few side quests on our way to Alcarnus. We ran into a “Crazed Miner,” who offered us the quest, “A Miner’s Gold.” All we had to do was defend the miner while he raised a treasure chest via a pulley system. When he started, swarms of Fallen came after him. If we were successful in defending the miner from the swarm, we’d get half the gold. It really wasn’t a challenge for the Barbarian, as Ground Stomp made that defense quest a simple task.
Skill TreesThe skill trees work very similar to World of Warcraft where you spend 5 points and next level of skills is opened up.The only different here is you get access to all 3 skill trees at the same time, so you are not forced to one skill tree. Skill trees also opens for new active abilities and some passive abilities that acts like bonuses of active skills. The rune skill system is not implemented yet.
ItemsWhen you mouseover an item – that dropped on the ground, it compares it with your currently wearing item, this way you can instantly see if you want to loot it. Gold is also auto pickup.
BagsThere are bags (containers) found up to 28 slots, where you can put items, the system works similar to World of Warcraft bags system, it just increased in size.