Speculation-mode on: Would you dig a new Diablo III Gunslinger class? The way I would imagine it—in a Diablo III-esque way that is—would be like Van Helsing with all his bizarre weaponry built up from both science and magic. Van Helsing meets Gnome/Goblin tech, Indiana Jones and Vizjerei spellwork. Would that be appealing at all as a new class? Share your thoughts.
Blizzard Quote:
Cold-Plasma Laser Rifles, and also ones that can hold more ammo than the normal one.
Cold-Plasma Laser Rifles don’t look too Diablo-esque, but a wooden shotgun shooting magical fireballs, or frostbolts would look cool. Boomerangs hitting multiple targets and stunning them for 3 seconds. Laying traps that freeze or explode upon mobs chasing you. A Chainsaw. Guns that shoot a hook attached to a cord to reach high areas or to swing across broken bridges. Crossbows with explosive arrows. A magical-imbued hammer that cracks thunderbolts on every direction when hitting the ground. Now that’s the stuff.